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last ...

the last post for this month .
time really going non-stop .

it has been a year ,
and i am still the same .
not changing at all .

people always say : the sweetest thing in the life is to love and be loved .
yes , it is really sweet .
i have go through this ,
and i miss the timing and opportunity .
but just let it be the past .

don't worry , i will be fine .
i will keep going .
i already stop at here for a long time ,
perhaps now is the time to keep moving on .

let him to be with you .
is the best and last choice i can do .
remember to take care yourself carefully .

lastly ,
i hate you because i love you .
i am sorry .


ending ?

the time has come .
a decision must be made .
i don't want to but i have to .
i hate you ,
because i love you .

i have to say no one will ever understand me .
you will never understand what i think or how i feel , not even once .
but if you understand , just say it out .
i am ready to accept it .

maybe i am just one of the passenger in your life ,
he might be your prince charming .
i have no the right to stop him from loving you ,
because you are not and never will belong to me .
i have seen through it .

it's time for me to put all this down .
i am suffer enough .
what i want is just lead a normal life ,
that's all i want .

lastly ,
i hate you because i love you .
i am sorry .


我 ... 恨 ...

可以不要再这样吗 ??
可以吗 ??
你就告诉我啊 ~~
你就让我痛痛快快地哭一次 ~~
就让我潇潇洒洒地离开这里 ~~

我知道我没任何理由去恨你 ~~
但是我恨你 ~~
我恨他 ~~
我更恨我自己 ~~
我恨这里的一切一切 ~~
我并不想带着恨意做人 ~~

但我有选择吗 ??
如果有选择 ~~
有谁会想这样 ??

为什么要这样对我 ??
为什么 ~~
为什么 ~~

城外面我就快要崩溃 ~
城里你不了解 ~
狂风中飘着我的眼泪 ~
你有没有感觉 ~



memories ... ??

perhaps some one could understand what am i thinking now ...
even myself also don't know what am i going to do next ...

i hope to immigrate ~
immigrate to a place that no one can find me ...
forget everything and start my new life ...
but i afraid i will regret it ~

people always say : memories are the sweetest thing in life ~~
but no one know there is another story behind my memories ...

回忆越是甜,就是越伤人的 ~~


tried my best ...

i trying to narcotic myself by telling my own that i dont like anymore ....
i tried so hard .....
i tried my hardest .....

and i failed .......
i cant get over you ....
i cant get over this ....

no ones believe me .......
no ones know how i feel .....
and no ones will remember me .....

i am collapse-ing now ....
my nervous is breaking down now ....

i cant control my emotional anymore ....
but emotional controls me ......
and i am doing what i dislike now ....
i have no choice but to do it ....

missing ...
missing my way ...
missing myself ...



没有不能说的秘密 ~~
只有不能错过的秘密 ~~

但是这秘密对你来说 ~~
已经不重要了 ~~



who am i ??
i am not myself anymore ....

最美的不是下雨天 ~
是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐 ~


sorry .... it's a secret .....

不是我不告诉你 ~~
只是我不知道怎样开口 ~~
看到红色那段字吗 ??
还记得那天吗 ??
希望你会记得 ~~~
sorry .....
i am forced to lie .....


sorry ~

actually you know what is happening on me ~~
but you just act like don't know anything ~~
and i am also act like nothing happen ~~

i really don't know what can i do now ...
should i continue being a two-sided person or be the real me ???

sometime ,
a beautiful lies is better than a cruel truth ~

i am forced to lie to you ....
please forgive me for what i have done to you ....

i am sorry ....
is me still the same me .... ??


better ~

i am back ...
with a better mood ...

my temper is getting bad and bad ~~
and i get mad easily ~
at least i can still controll my emotional ~

but my hatred in my heart is still remaining the same ~~
it will never be destroy ~~

but there is nothing i can do to this ...
i am just a guy that leaving all the thing at behind with hatred ....

please forgive for what i have done ...
i just want to be better ...

who am i ......
is me still the same me .... ???



死后的第四天 ~~

恨意依然没减少 ~~
我应该得到属于我的 ~~

i still love ....
i still hate ...